Impactful Research

Learning about the fascinating and scary world of incels
Dr David Smith, a Psychology Lecturer from The School of Law and Social Sciences, has written for The Metro newspaper about his research on the incel community and speaking to those men who are part of it...

RGU success at prestigious annual CICES event
As Chair of the Sustainability Committee of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES), it was a privilege to launch the White Paper on Sustainability at the CICES Annual Dinner at the iconic King's College in Cambridge on 20 September 2024.

Pharmacy Lecturer makes presentation to Council of Europe committee
Dr Antonella Tonna, Senior Lecturer from The School of Pharmacy, Applied Sciences and Public Health, has written a piece on her online presentation about antimicrobial resistance at the European Committee on Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Care.

Welcome to the latest RGU Research Magazine
I am delighted to welcome you to the latest issue of RGU Research Magazine, and particularly pleased to be introducing an issue packed with news about some of the doctoral projects being undertaken at RGU.

Scottish Psychology Conference: A resounding success
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great”, said Zig Ziglar.

Geothermal cooling system installed to cool Kenyan housing
In the second phase of their research, a team of RGU researchers travelled to Homa Bay in Kenya to install a geothermal cooling system which works by drawing in hot air, cooling the air in underground pipe and releasing it into hot rooms.

PALS Lecturer wins national young scientist award for liquid crystal research
In April of this year, Ewan Cruickshank, a Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, was the proud recipient of The BLCS Young Scientist Award at the annual British Liquid Crystal Society conference at the University of Oxford.

Charting the course for tomorrow's law: A reflection on legal education's blockchain revolution
It is with great honour that I reflect on a significant milestone in my academic journey. Recently, I was awarded the Association of Law Teachers Stan Marsh Prize for best poster, a recognition I deeply value.

CyanoSol Research: Rapid testing for shellfish toxins workshop review
On Tuesday 19 March, the CyanoSol research group hosted a hybrid workshop in the Ishbel Gordon Building at RGU to inform, discuss and demonstrate progress on the development of the rapid field test for DSP toxins in shellfish.

Success for pharmaceutical waste conversion study
Dr Mohamed Amish, from RGU’s School of Engineering, has published a paper on an important international project which involves converting pharmaceutical waste into an innovative drilling fluid additive.