We take complaints about our service whether they are from students, applicants or members of the public very seriously and have a special procedure for dealing with them. You should tell us about your concerns as soon as you can.
You can complain about our service to any member of staff who will endeavour to resolve your complaint and provide you with an outcome within five days. If you are not satisfied with this outcome or the matter you are complaining about is serious then you should complete a complaints form and we will investigate the complaint fully, endeavouring to provide you with an outcome within twenty working days.
The Complaints Handling Procedure is available in different formats on request from complaints@rgu.ac.uk or telephone 01224 262195.
If your complaint is of a serious nature or you are not happy with a response you have already received from the university you should download and complete the university’s complaints form and submit it to complaints@rgu.ac.uk