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Research Degree Themes

Living in a Digital World

Our research in this theme covers a broad range of computational research from Artificial Intelligence to interactive machine learning and cybersecurity and explores the impacts and implications of the digital for different domains including health, net zero, cities and creative practice.

A wealth of community heritage assets are hidden; they belong to individuals, to families, tucked away in attics or cupboards and their wider cultural value is often not fully appreciated.

Health outcomes are influenced by social factors rather than medicines. These can include: social isolation, mental illness, homelessness, and food insecurity all common in deprived areas.

Previous research into independent bookshops in Scotland has found that in relatively isolated communities, they provide more than a place to buy books; they can also be a gathering space, a place of safety and at times a hub for the local community (Laing 2020).

The analysis of designers’ engagement with digital tools is fascinating and complex, this project aims to help solve a few issues around the extension of the mind into the digital realm.

It is common with many university buildings that energy consumption is not monitored. There is a significant lack of framework and tools implemented to: identify where energy is being consumed, detect faults, or determine where energy saving measures could be implemented to greatest effect.

Hypertension is a silent killer and a major preventable cause of many cardiovascular morbidities and mortalities [1].

A PhD to investigate how nature-inspired computing and spatio-temporal network models can be used to find zero-carbon solutions to UK transport.

The opportunity for students to engage in practical work (hands on experience) such as relating theory with practice and motivating students is an essential component of degree programmes in the Engineering.

An invitation to build business simulation and augmented reality learning and teaching tools in a collaboration between Aberdeen Business School, the School of Computing and Gray's School of Art.

Traditional cyber security training and awareness approaches often have limited long term impact on employee behaviour and security culture within an organisation.

The energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings account for a significant proportion of the total energy consumption in EU and US and the efficient functioning of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems in buildings is very significant.

Using Artificial Intelligence to investigate how new technologies affect in student engagement and understanding.

Formal models of dialogue define rules for dialectical exchanges based on what types of dialogue act can follow another – e.g. “answer” must follow “question”.

Using advanced machine learning methods to generate critical information used to preserve assets in the energy sector.

This study aims to build on the theory of Dark Knowledge proposed by Burnett and Lloyd (2020).

Predicting human action in challenging environments to ensure safety

Combining philosophy and computing to better understand the future directions of recently developed technologies.

The project would focus on young men’s interactions with the manosphere: a coalition of online communities in which anti-feminist/ male hegemonic masculinities are constructed and affirmed via alpha and beta masculine identities.

The advent of the internet has positioned social media (SM) as a digital society for information dissemination. These networks facilitate information, ideas, thoughts, and opinion sharing through virtual networks and communities.

Over the past decade, Instagram has become increasingly significant as a visual social media platform that has revolutionised visual culture.

Clinical diagnosis is usually done by experienced clinicians. Wide variations of patients make the diagnosis being a laborious task which may be translated into high costs and human errors.

Remote inspection by means of ROVs or drones is an increasingly demanded service in domains such as farming, industry and public surveillance, due to the capability of reducing costs and increasing response efficiency.

A typical condition monitoring (CM) system uses various sensors to increase the system availability and reliability, but in contrast to preventive maintenance, condition monitoring enables condition-dependent maintenance (CBM), resulting in lower maintenance costs and higher system availability.

Has the global pandemic affected how computing students learn and engage with courses?

Addressing the academic misconduct problem by means of strategically applied Artificial Intelligence

Techniques like electrodeposition, thermal decomposition, electroless plating, pressing, sintering, and coating are the traditional catalysts manufacturing routes for electrolysers.

Climate change poses two types of risk for the corporate sector: physical and transition risks.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an emerging technique in clinical imaging and Magnetic Resonance (MR) guided minimally invasive type surgical procedures are gaining popularity among the clinicians.

Monte Carlo Tree Search is a technique which forms an important part of many planning and game playing algorithms, including Google’s AlphaGo.

The study would use a mixed-methods approach of content and discourse analysis of Scottish local, regional and national newspapers and interviews with journalists, Gender-Based Violence service providers, and organisations such as Zero Tolerance.

More than 75% of the Earth is covered by water. Underwater robotics and communication Networks have become an attractive field and a fast-growing field with broad applications in research, commercial and military systems.

Artificial Intelligent in legal practice aims to improve efficiency in time-consuming and tedious tasks.

Children are future urban managers. Sustainability inevitably means fair resource allocation so that the future generation would not encounter resource depletion due to improper urban management and decisions.

Integration of remote sensing data with data from other sensors, agriculture, soil moisture, machine learning techniques, and multi-sensor data.

Image processing in conjunction with real-time data processing.

Path planning in challenging environments for the benefit of the industry.

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