Access RGU Scholarships


ACCESS RGU Scholarships

ACCESS RGU scholarship opportunities have been made available to support the university’s strategic commitment to widening participation and support under-represented groups to access the university’s provision.

These scholarships have been made available through the generosity of our donor companies and are accessible to students who demonstrate academic merit, motivation and ambition.

As well as financial commitment, the scholarships will include tailored support from ACCESS RGU and Study Skills.

Donating parties may also provide mentorship opportunities throughout the programme.

Scholarships are by invitation only, potential applicants will be identified by the university and invited to apply.

CNOOC International

The CNOOC Petroleum Europe Limited Scholarship offers one student funding support of £3,000 per year until graduation.

Cormack Family Scholarship

The Cormack Foundation Scholarship will fund nine scholarships supporting widening access to students embarking on Year 1 of study.

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Unite Foundation scholarships award care leaver or care experienced and estranged students’ free purpose-built Unite Students accommodation for a maximum three years of study.

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The SRM Foundation Undergraduate Access Scholarship will fund five scholarships supporting widening access to students embarking on Year 1 of study.

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The Shell Energy Transition Access Scholarships offer eligible RGU undergraduate students up to £4,000 per annum for the duration of a four-year undergraduate degree course.

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