
Tiny house

Students from RGU’s Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment have designed a series of small, affordable houses as part of a project with Grampian Housing Association.

Pharmacy Simulation Centre at RGU

A collaborative research project exploring the value of community pharmacies in Scotland suggests that 90% of people are so confident in their local pharmacists’ abilities that they want GPs to work more closely with them to ensure the best possible care.


A research project at RGU which explores the mental wellbeing of Scotland’s farmers is moving forward to develop and test a suitable intervention, hand-in-hand with farmers, to support their mental health now and in the future.

Knowledge bites for business

RGU is launching two new online initiatives, ‘RGU Knowledge Bites for Business’ and a suite of upskilling online short courses, to support businesses as they deal with the economic challenges of Covid-19.

Dr Madeleine Marcella-Hood

Dr Madeleine Marcella-Hood, Head of Year 1 BA (Hons) Fashion Management and Lecturer in the School of Creative and Cultural Business, writes about the fashion industry and the impact of Covid-19.

Professor Peter Reid

An RGU Professor has been awarded funding to explore Scottish Public Libraries and their role in community cohesion and resilience during lockdown.


Robert Gordon University (RGU) has awarded a package of support and £2,500 between five student projects for each demonstrating great compassion through innovative concepts to improve people’s lives during the coronavirus pandemic.

Satisfied students engineering

Robert Gordon University (RGU) has risen to second in Scotland for overall student satisfaction in the National Student Survey (NSS) 2020, and second in the UK*.

Drawn North

The culmination of three years’ work by talented Architecture students to reimagine waterfront areas in Aberdeen and Orkney will be virtually exhibited in a collaboration with Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums (AAGM) and Pier Arts Centre in Orkney

Swypatune app example

A new music competition app grown through the entrepreneurial ecosystem at RGU is set to democratise the way we find new musical talent with the launch of its first UK-wide competition.

Dave Cormack

RGU has received a donation of £100,000 from The Cormack Family Foundation, established by AFC Chairman Dave Cormack, which will allow students from underrepresented backgrounds to study at the university.

Virtual Degree Show

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a partnership between Gray’s School of Art, Look Again and independent design agency Design and Code, is working collaboratively with the graduating students of 2020 to create a Virtual Degree Show.

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