Learning Facilities
Computing, Digital & IT Facilities
RGU has extensive IT support with a variety of computing labs located on campus. All the PCs and Macs are equipped with the latest software to support your virtual learning.

Digital media students make extensive use of this lab where Intuos graphics tablets are available for use with Adobe suite software.

Get creative using our digital video editing lab and sound recording booth.

Our purpose built computer labs are where you can test and adapt your chosen solutions.

A specialist networking lab with specialised kit dedicated to the teaching of network security modules

A total of 335 desktop workstations are available in the 9 IT labs in the School.

You will have access to our Computing Laboratory which houses PCs for engineering including all the relevant software.

The Digital Suite, housed within the Aberdeen Business School, includes a suite of iMacs and is used by a variety of subject areas across the University.

A custom built professional filming space.

In The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment you will have access to high spec IT suites for online work including computer modelling and analysis

The School of Computing, Engineering and Technology’s main multimedia lab.

This drop in lab is available for honours year students who need a quiet environment to carry out their project work.

We have a fully functional Radio Studio on campus, housed in the Riverside Building, which contains industry standard equipment for you to take advantage of.

The TV Studio can be found in the Riverside Building, which also houses the Radio Station and Newsroom.