students in green work coats

Our Departments

Centre for Employability and Community Engagement

Our Employability team are committed to supporting students and graduates throughout their studies and future career. We work with Academic Schools and Employers to deliver quality, relevant experiences, which enrich the student journey and prepare graduates for the next stage in their career.

The Centre for Employability and Community Engagement provides support throughout all stages of studies and beyond, from those studying for a first degree to Masters.  The team provide on-course support, personal careers advice and access to a wide variety of online resources to support students in finding part time work, academically accredited placements/work projects, study abroad, and self-employment.  As part of our lifelong learning commitment to our alumni we offer continued career development and professional support to all leavers, whether that’s advice about postgraduate study, graduate jobs or career progression.

Lin Smith

Employability Administrator

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Our Employability team are committed to supporting students throughout their careers, providing advice and opportunities for making the most of their time at university, individual discussions about possible career options through to decision-making and support through the application process.

Lorraine Amies

Careers Consultant

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Lynsey Brosnan

Careers Consultant

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Rob MacPhail

Careers Consultant

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Will Ritchie

Careers and Placement Services Manager

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Employer Engagement

The Employer Engagement Team develops and account-manages key relationships with employers, supporting the employability of our students and graduates through employer workshops and presentations on campus. We also aim to keep students informed of the graduate job landscape via eHub Jobs and networking opportunities.

Lesley Lawrinson

Employer Liaison Lead

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Anne Watson

Employability Officer

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Catriona Beverley

Employability Info & Comms Manager

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Communications and Graduate Destinations

RGU carry out an early graduate destinations survey, approximately 6 months after course completion, called the RGU Leaver Survey. We use this for updating contact details, internal analysis of outcomes, targeting of information, advice and guidance to leavers and to let them know about HESA’s Graduate Outcomes national employability survey, which is carried out around 15 months after course completion. All the data received is anonymised.

The Info & Comms team organise the RGU Leaver Survey, supply HESA with the relevant leavers’ contact details (as per their annual enrolment consent) for their Graduate Outcomes employability survey and provide the available, consequent (anonymised) data to RGU staff, as required.

Anne White

Employability Adviser

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Bruce Fyfe

Graduate Survey and Statistics Analyst

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Catriona Beverley

Employability Info & Comms Manager

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Placements are an excellent opportunity for students to gain real experience and for employers to see what they have to offer. We support students to find relevant work placement opportunities with local, national and even international organisations.

Donna Foubister

Employability Officer

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Gayle O'Hagan

Employability Officer

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Marcus McLernon

Employability Officer

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Sam McKinstrie

Placement Development Lead

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Study Abroad

There are a number of benefits to taking a period of study or work abroad. Although challenging, the experience can be extremely rewarding and students will develop your knowledge and skills by learning in a different social and cultural context. 

Julia Porter

International Exchanges Manager

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Interprofessional learning

The Centre for Collaborative and Interprofessional Practice (CCIP) will amplify and drive forward both Interprofessional Learning (IPL) and Collaborative Practice. The CCIP is embedded in the Centre for Employability and Community Engagement, preparing all students for the modern workplace.

RGU Flex

RGUflex allows students to collect academic credit flexibly and claim an award from the University.

Jo-Anne Tait

Professional Stud. Framework Course Lead

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RGUplus is a range of opportunities students have at RGU, which will take them on a journey from citizen to global citizen.

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