Programmes for Scottish Schools

Inspiring Innovation

Innovation in Secondary Schools

As the world of work changes, we seek to collaborate with schools from across the country to offer sessions and programmes to develop the next generation of innovators.

How can we prepare the youth of today for the opportunities of tomorrow? Universities are responsible for educating and driving innovation in society and we want pupils in Scotland’s secondary schools to gain an insight to what that future will look like. We offer a variety of opportunities for schools to collaborate and innovate.

Workshops for Secondary Schools

For teachers seeking external input the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group offer a range of free interactive workshops and sessions designed to engage and inspire students with topics around the fourth industrial revolution, innovation and entrepreneurship. The sessions can be thought-provoking guest lectures or creative and interactive workshops and generally last thirty minutes to an hour.

The topics we can support are:

  • What will jobs be like in 20 years?
  • What does it mean to be innovative?
  • How do you come up with a creative idea?
  • What are they key steps for developing a business?
  • What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

If you are interested in hosting a session at your high school, then get in touch at

Scottish ROV Competition

How can pupils develop skills such as problem solving, teamwork and creativity? How can pupils apply learning in physics, maths, electronics, engineering and business to a practical project? RGU is a partner with the international ROV MATE competition where high school students from around the world compete to design, build and test their own underwater remote operated vehicle with the Marine Advanced Technology Education Centre in California.

Over the course of the competition teams of students from schools across Scotland undertake activities to simulate real-world situations including:

  • Designing and building an underwater ROV
  • Produce technical reports
  • Prepare poster displays
  • Create engineering presentations
  • Connecting and learning from mentors
  • Presenting to industry judges at a live final at RGU
  • Racing their ROVs in scenarios ranging from locating the wreckage of a vintage airplane to installing a tidal turbine

Over 500 pupils from over 40 schools across Scotland have taken part for the chance to win their regional heat and travel to the international finals. The programme is supported by the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group and School of Engineering and sponsored by industry partners BP North East, Subsea UK, ROVOP and Hamlyns Oats.

Find out more about the Mate ROV Competition

If you want your school to take part, contact us at

Innovation Summer School

The world of work is changing. New technologies and evolving behaviours are drastically shaping industries of the future. Being innovative is a critical skill for success, and in helping to solve the problems of tomorrow.

Our RGU Innovation Summer School is a one-week-programme to help senior school pupils explore concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation. Through workshops, challenges and activities which focus on developing innovative ideas students will develop skills around creativity, problem solving, teamwork and communication.

The sessions will be a collaborative dynamic environment for pupils who are interested in entrepreneurship, setting up a business or being creative in the work place to test, develop and challenge their ideas.

Currently, no cohorts are open for applications, but if you are interested or want to know more contact

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