The three main components include:
- Course/Programme Validation - a process whereby all new courses/programmes are subject to formal consideration and approval prior to implementation
- Annual Appraisal – a process whereby the delivery of all courses/programmes and output standards achieved are monitored
- Institution-Led Subject Review - a process conducted on a 5/6 yearly basis which consists of the critical review of the subject and its development
Our short guide to Academic Quality Procedures has been designed to provide an outline of the University's academic quality assurance procedures, to enable the reader to decide what procedure is appropriate for what purpose, and to guide the reader to the most appropriate source for further information.
- Guide to Academic Quality Procedures (PDF 239KB)
- Academic Quality Handbook - Introduction and Contents (PDF 182KB)
- Academic Quality Handbook - Glossary of Abbreviations and Terminology (PDF 60KB)
- CID Writing Guide (PDF 206KB)
- Guide to Preparing University Documentation (PDF 198KB)
- RGU Committee Structure Diagram February 2025 (PDF 123KB)
We are working to resolve any document accessibility issues for the 2023-24 session. The Academic Quality Handbook documents are available in different formats on request from
Section 1: Module, Course and Programme Developments
- AQH 1 - Module, Course and Programme Developments (PDF 266KB)
- AQH 1 - ADC Approval Proforma (DOCX 91KB)
- AQH 1 - ADC Course Cessation Proforma (DOCX 92KB)
- AQH 1 - ADC Course Change Proforma (DOCX 97KB)
- AQH 1 - ADC Course Development Proposal Proforma (DOCX 109KB)
- AQH 1 - Course Suspension Proforma (DOCX 95KB)
- AQH 1 - Documentation Evaluation Form (DOCX 93KB)
- AQH 1 - Exemplar Summary Curriculum Vitae (PDF 65KB)
- AQH 1 - Exemplar Validation Panel Membership (PDF 76KB)
- AQH 1 - Module Approval - External Subject Expert Report (DOCX 89KB)
- AQH 1 - PSRB Planning Sheet (DOCX 92KB)
- AQH 1 - Quality Event Planning Sheet (DOCX 96KB)
- AQH 1 - SAB Course and Module Change Proforma (DOCX 114KB)
- AQH 1 - Validation Content & Contextual Overview Template (DOCX 118KB)
- AQH 1 - Validation Documentation Scrutiny Report (DOCX 103KB)
- AQH 1 - Validation Learning Outcomes Mapping Template (DOCX 32KB)
- AQH 1 - Inclusive Curriculum Tool (DOCX 75KB)
Section 2: Annual Appraisal Process
Section 3: Institution-Led Subject Review and Course Re-Approval
Section 4: External Examiner Arrangements
- AQH 4 - External Examiner Arrangements (PDF 306KB)
- AQH 4 - External Examiner Appointment Application (DOCX 101KB)
- AQH 4 - External Examiner Extension Reallocation Application (DOCX 98KB)
- AQH 4 - External Examiner Application AQO Checklist (DOCX 90KB)
- AQH 4 - Checklist for External Examiners (DOCX 93KB)
- AQH 4 - External Examiner Annual Report (DOCX 64KB)
- AQH 4 - External Examiner Annual Report - Architecture Courses (DOCX 66KB)
- AQH 4 - CMT-PMT Response to External Examiner Annual Report (DOCX 90KB)
- AQH 4 - Expenses and Fee Claim Form (PTAC 4 Form) (DOCX 37KB)
- AQH 4 - Checklist Scrutiny of Summative Instruments of Assessment (DOCX 19KB)
- AQH 4 - External Examiner Remuneration (PDF 138KB)
Section 5: Academic Collaboration
- AQH 5 - Academic Collaboration Award-Bearing Taught Provision (PDF 224KB)
- AQH 5 - Academic Collaboration Cessation Proforma (DOC 118KB)
- AQH 5 - Academic Collaboration Planning Sheet (DOC 123KB)
- AQH 5 - Collaboration Opportunities Process (DOCX 100KB)
- AQH 5 - Collaboration Opportunity Assessment Proforma (DOCX 106KB)
- AQH 5 - Documentation Evaluation Form - Collaborative Courses (DOC 154KB)
- AQH 5 - Institutional Checklist (DOC 146KB)
- AQH 5 - Link Coordinator Annual Report Proforma (DOCX 97KB)
- AQH 5 - Memorandum of Understanding - Guidance and Initial Approval Form (DOCX 116KB)
- AQH 5 - Memorandum of Understanding Template (DOC 86KB)
- AQH 5 - Student Exchange Initial Approval Checklist (DOC 2MB)
- AQH 5 - Student Exchange Partner Institution - Annual Check (DOCX 97KB)
- AQH 5 - ADC Collaboration Proposal Proforma for New Articulation Partners (DOCX 93KB)
Section 6: Research Degrees
This section in the Academic Quality Handbook is being revised and will be available to view shortly.
Proformas associated with all aspects of the research degrees process are available from the Research Degrees area.
Review and Validation
The processes for review and validation are outlined in Sections 1 and 3 of the Academic Quality Handbook
- Executive Summary - ILSR Aberdeen Business School Report (PDF 91KB)
- Executive Summary - ILSR Architecture and Built Environment Report (PDF 194KB)
- Executive Summary - ILSR Computing Report (PDF 101KB)
- Executive Summary - ILSR Creative and Cultural Business Report (PDF 199KB)
- Executive Summary - ILSR Law Report (PDF 89KB)
- Executive Summary - ILSR School of Applied Social Studies Report (PDF 199KB)
- Executive Summary - ILSR School of Nursing and Midwifery Report (PDF 217KB)
Access to some review and validation documents is restricted to internal use only.
Institution-Led Subject Reviews (ILSRs), Internal Reviews, Course Re-approvals, Validations and Interim Review Responses: