architecture degree

Undergraduate Courses

Architecture, Construction & Surveying - Undergraduate

Our courses are designed with the future work environment in mind, focussing on big topics such as the environment and sustainability.

We combine innovative thinking with new technologies and contemporary practice across all aspects of the design and construction of buildings, public space and cities. As a student of RGU you will gain hands on experience and excellent links to industry preparing you for the world of work.

  • 1st in Scotland for overall student satisfaction in Architecture, Building and Planning (National Student Survey, excluding colleges, small, specialist and private institutions)
  • 2nd in the UK for satisfaction with teaching in Construction, Surveying and Planning (Guardian University Guide 2024)

People next to a house in a field

BSc (Hons) | MSci

Our accredited MSci Architectural Technology degree, is an Integrated Masters with accreditation from the professional body CIAT at both undergraduate level - BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology, and Masters - MSci Advanced Architectural Technology.

BSc | Master of Architecture

BSc | Master of

The BSc Architecture/Master of Architecture (BSc/MArch) course at Robert Gordon University is a linked award that allows you to progress from Year 1 to Master's level continuously, and obtain a clear pathway to professional registration.

Two people in hi-vis jackets looking at engineering metalwork

Graduate Apprenticeship in BSc (Hons)

The Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) in Construction and the Built Environment BSc (Hons) course is an innovative route to a degree qualification that integrates theory and practice. Apprentices will continue their employment with a partner employer while studying towards a degree that covers a range of built environment subjects.

interior design tools, paint colours and samples

BDes (Hons)

Combining diverse perspectives into an innovative curriculum, the course develops critical, creative, and compassionate skills for designing domestic, commercial, civic, experiential, or temporary spaces. Studio-based learning, collaborative projects, and real-world case studies empower you to experiment with various media, methods, and approaches to interior design.

BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management

BSc (Hons)

The Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management course at Robert Gordon University is a stepping stone for students who see their future careers in the financial management and leadership of projects within the built environment. It provides you with the opportunity to progress towards becoming a Chartered Surveyor and can lead to career opportunities worldwide.

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