Affectionately known as ‘Tassie’ by the locals, the island is famous for its pure air, clear skies and stunning natural beauty. 45% of the island is made up of National Parks and World Heritage sites, and is the perfect mix of land meets sea. The University of Tasmania is the only university on the island meaning they offer a wide array of study areas. It boasts exceptional teaching staff at three locations across the state; their nationally-distinctive architecture course will give you access to real-life learning experiences. An exchange to Australia’s deep south will provide you with a diverse study experience, one that will enrich you academically, socially and culturally.
Institutions departments, with those that we have links with are starred*.
- Arts, Law and Education
- Health and Medicine
- College of Sciences and Engineering*
- Tasmanian School of Business and Economics
Tahar Koudier
Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment
Tel: 00 44 1224 263522
Email: t.koudier@rgu.ac.uk
Daisy Ryan-Pont
Study Abroad & Exchange Coordinator
Tel: 00 61 3 6226 1805
Email: Student.Mobility@utas.edu.au
Institution Details
University of Tasmania
Churchill Ave
Hobart TAS 7005
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