Their campus facilities include a state-of-the-art data centre, game design labs, 3D printers, a robotics and virtual reality lab as well as a Smart Gym with a digitalised environment. Kajaani itself is a small town with a population of 38,000. The town has all the necessary services, yet is small enough to feel safe. Student life in Kajaani is easy: distances are short and services are of a high standard. Also, based on the national survey for graduating students in 2019, KAMK had the happiest students in Finland.
Institutions departments, with those that we have links with are starred*.
- Information Systems
- Business*
- Engineering
- Health*
- Tourism and Sports*
Simon Fraser
Aberdeen Business School
Tel: 00 44 1224 263911
Email: ABSStudyAbroad@rgu.ac.uk
Iain MacLeod
Aberdeen Business School
Tel: 00 44 1224 263430
Email: ABSStudyAbroad@rgu.ac.uk
Neil Connon
School of Creative and Cultural Business
Tel: 00 44 1224 263024
Email: n.connon@rgu.ac.uk
Laura Stewart
School of Health Sciences
Tel: 00 44 1224 262936
Email: l.stewart20@rgu.ac.uk
Dr Pamela Kirkpatrick
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Practice
Tel: 00 44 1224 263276
Email: p.kirkpatrick@rgu.ac.uk
Exchange CONTACT
Meira Kaikkonen
Head of International Affairs
Tel: 00 358 44 7101 617
Email: meira.kaikkonen@kamk.fi
Institution Academic Contacts
Marjukka Turunen
School of Business, School of Tourism, School of Sports
Tel: 00 358 44 715 7021
Jaana Härkönen
School of Nursing
Tel: 00 358 44 7101 024
Email: jaana.harkonen@kamk.fi
Institution Details
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
International Office
P.O.Box 52
87101 Kajaani
- Institution Code: SF KAJAANI05
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