Robert Gordon University is committed to hosting an environment in which ethics and integrity are central to research. Policies aligning with research integrity and ethics, training opportunities and engagement with external bodies are some of the proactive approaches the university is taking to support researchers and research activity.
Members of staff or student, can visit the SharePoint pages for guidance and support:
Research Ethics
Research at RGU covers a broad range of disciplines and we have systems in place to support the review of research ethics. Each Academic School has their own School Ethics Review Panel.
The Research Integrity and Ethics Sub-Committee (RIESC) reports to the Research Committee. The remit of RIESC is to develop and monitor the implementation of a quality management system for the University in respect of research governance and, so far as it is reasonably possible, the maintenance and enhancement of ethical standards in the conduct of research (including consultancy and professional practice) undertaken by employees and students of the University.
Research Integrity
The RGU Research Integrity Officer is the named contact for raising concerns or questions regarding research integrity and can be contacted at
The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) is an independent advisory body, offering support to the public, researchers, and organisations to further good practice in research.
RGU has been a subscriber of UKRIO since 2023.
Concordat to Support Research Integrity
At RGU we are committed to uphold the standards and principles outlined in the Concordat to Support Research Integrity.
RGU Annual Statement
Research Integrity and Ethics Policies
To support research good practice and quality research, we have policies specifically relating to research governance including our Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Research Ethics Policy.
Further policies that are relevant to research are available online: