Impact of corporate governance on the performance of selected deposit money banks

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The CAMELS model/rating system is widely used by regulatory banking authorities to rank/group financial institutions.

MRes | MPhil | PhD | MSc by Research
Start Date
Usually February and October - at individual School's discretion


(CAMELS is the acronym for Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Sensitivity)

Cross-country research on bank performance in emerging markets, particularly considering corporate governance and (CAMELS) hybrids is limited. This project will use hybrid performance assessment, which considers elements of bank operations as well as corporate governance, to evaluate bank performance in the emerging markets.   


  1. Develop CAMELS index for banks’ performance.
  2. To investigate the association of corporate governance on CAMELS.
  3. At country level at relationship between CG and CAMELS on bank performance.


Panel random and fixed effect models will be used to investigate the impact.


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