CAPTURE: Calling all young photographers in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire

Thursday 25 April 2024

Image shows photography film, credit Gatehouse Photography, RGU
Step into the world of digital photography and discover Aberdeen through the lens of its young, creative minds. A new digital photography competition, specifically targeted at young people aged 13 – 18, is being launched as part of the annual multi-art Light the Blue Festival 2024, which runs from Saturday 8 June – Sunday 16 June.

Young people from across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire are invited to use their mobile phones to capture photos that embody the spirit that ‘everyone is welcome here’ in the North East.

The competition is being run by Gray’s School of Art’s Look Again and Mobile Art School in partnership with Light the Blue Festival led by Aberdeen Performing Arts (APA).

Each photograph will be printed inhouse by Aberdeen Performing Arts as part of the exhibition and displayed at Aberdeen’s Music Hall and other digital screens at APA venues during the festival.

There will be five outstanding digital photographs selected in Landscape, Portraiture, Documentary, Abstract and a Candid snapshot.

Sally Reaper, Director of Look Again at Gray’s School of Art explains more: “Whether it’s a candid snapshot of the city's bustling streets or a breath-taking landscape that celebrates the beauty of unity, every photo tells a unique story of acceptance. We hope to encourage participants to celebrate inclusivity and diversity, and by doing so, hope we can gather a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Aberdeen’s community.

“We are excited to be running this competition in partnership with Aberdeen Performing Arts and to be part of the Light the Blue Festival.  The festival celebrates the diversity of young people in the region and coincides with Gray’s School of Arts Degree Show. For the first time and as part of our partnership with Aberdeen Performing Arts, we plan to host dedicated guided tours of Gray’s degree show for young people aged 14 – 25. We hope that by doing so we can inspire curiosity and encourage more young people to find out more about Gray’s School of Art and the opportunities available. Both events, and our partnership with Aberdeen Performing Arts, demonstrates the cultural vibrancy of the North East and I can’t wait to see all the entries for the competition.”

Jordan Blackwood, Creative Producer for Light the Blue at Aberdeen Performing Arts said “Everyone Is Welcome Here is an ethos close to us at Aberdeen Performing Arts and we are delighted to have this play a role at Light the Blue Festival. Introducing a photography competition is a welcome addition to our programme and provides a fantastic prospect for young people across the region to demonstrate their talents. We’re looking forward to seeing what is produced and showcasing the many young creatives we have in the North-east.

“Working in partnership with Look Again brings our festivals together in an exciting collaboration that will benefit young people and provide a new opportunities. We’re thrilled to be working with them on such an exciting project.”

In order to enter the competition, entrants must be:

  • Aged between 13 – 18 years old
  • Submissions will be accepted from young people based in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire
  • Submissions must respond to the title ‘everyone is welcome here’ – what does that mean to you as a young person in the North East?
  • Photographs containing sensitive or inappropriate imagery will not be displayed.
  • If there is a person featured in your image, please make sure you have consent before submitting your digital photograph.

Applicants should submit one digital photograph per entry and files must be no larger than 2MB.

All entries should be emailed with the subject line ‘CAPTURE’ to Look Again by Friday 27 May at 5pm.

Gray’s Degree Show Young People’s tours will be led by Gray’s Graduates in Residence and will last 1.5hrs. The tours are scheduled at 2pm on Sunday 9 June, 5.30pm on Tuesday 11 June and 10am on Saturday 15 June. Tours last approx. 1.5hrs. 


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