Graduation Stories
Graduation Stories - Summer 2021
Stories from our Summer 2021 graduates.

Scottish Kelpie Prize Illustration winner Leanne Daphne Goodall looks at climate change in her final year project which was a fantasy adventure story using a world of illustration to explore the problems facing the environment.

Roan Ferrier had to tackle some unique circumstances during her time at RGU, including a global pandemic, a once-in-a-lifetime freeze and being diagnosed an autoimmune disease, however she did not let that stop her achieving a Masters degree.

A 24-year-old from County Tipperary, Ireland, who crossed the Irish Sea with the aspiration of becoming a clinical leader in occupational therapy, has graduated from the Scottish University of the Year 2021.

Cameron Ritchie (21) from Stonehaven had an interest in engineering from a young age. It was studying at RGU that offered him the opportunity to explore this interest and refine his options.

Despite a successful career in the renewable energy industry, Alex Gauntt always regretted not completing a degree before starting his first job.

Patzi-George showcases sheer determination to achieve Law Degree while becoming a Mum and studying throughout a global pandemic.

Hamish (24) from Elgin, never thought he would get into university. Hamish graduated with distinction and received his MEng in Mechanical and Offshore Engineering.

Jack Durkacz (23) from Findhorn is the first person from his family to go to university. Coming to RGU from Forres Academy, Jack has worked hard to earn a Distinction in MEng in Mechanical Engineering and he is proud of his achievements.

An associate professor from Insch has earned her Doctor of Philosophy award from Robert Gordon University (RGU) and is proudly sharing the limelight with her daughter who is graduating simultaneously with distinction.

Matthew Craig (24) is the first member of his family to go to university, something he never expected to do.

While Mark Dawson didn’t enjoy his secondary school experience, his time at University allowed him to be creative and realise his potential.

Triumphantly emerging from full-time work, part-time distance learning, and what was thought to be terminal illness, Ellie Wolf graduated from The Scottish University of the Year 2021 with merit on Friday 16 July.

Lawson Marr (22), from Galashiels Academy was diagnosed as dyslexic in his first year at RGU after having displayed symptoms his whole life. Support from RGU was integral to his success.

Gabriela Uzunova decided to go to university as she had just moved to UK and wanted to gain confidence and build a network of like-minded people.