What Our Students Say

Heather Taylor

Heather Taylor

BA (Hons) Law and Management Degree, from Ballater in Scotland

Why did you choose RGU?

I was a degree link student coming from Aberdeen College, where I ascertained my HND in Legal Services. After visiting both Aberdeen University and RGU, I just felt that the support system, opportunities and student support at RGU outshone Aberdeen. Overall RGU felt like the better fit, and I am happy to report I was not wrong.

Why did you choose the course you are studying?

After arriving at RGU on the degree link to study Law and Management (BA), I quickly fell in love with my legal modules and the School of Law and Social Sciences. I had some really great lecturers in that first year that made the law subjects fun, interesting and intellectually challenging. After a few discussions with my course leader at that time, I made the decision to continue on as a LLB student. I have been very fortunate to have always had great lecturers in Law, who made even the driest of modules interesting.

What are your favourite things about being a student in Aberdeen?

Aberdeen has always had a really great student community between the two universities and the college. One of my favourite things about being a student in Aberdeen in the Granite City sports tournament every year, not only do the students and their universities get involved but also the entire city. There is a really nice sense of community in Aberdeen being a smaller city and some really terrific sporting talent as well.

Have you been involved in any clubs or societies while at RGU? If so tell us a little bit about it

Over the last two years I have been involved with the RGU Law Clinic – an amazing little Pro-bono clinic run by students of the School of Law and Social Sciences. The clinic offers free legal advice to not only students of RGU but also the people of Aberdeen. This year the Clinic has made the move to being much more student driven, a good friend of mine was even appointed Student Director of the program. The Clinic though relatively young is an amazing program that offers Law students’ hands on experience in working with and for clients.

Do you have any advice for people who are considering study at RGU?

To make the most of the University services when they are on offer, the study skills especially are a great way to polish up your writing skills in order to get the best grade on your coursework. They have also run workshops in the past to aid students with their revision. Everyone always told me there was a big jump from school to university, and I never believed them but the jump is very real so don’t be afraid to ask for help from other students and even lecturers. I have honestly only made it though the last four years thanks to having a great study group of fellow students and some pretty amazing lecturers who are always happy to help when you hit a road block.

What do you want to do when you complete your course?

After I graduate later this year, I will be leaving for the states to study a Masters in Law (LLM) at an American University after being accepted by all three of the Law Schools I applied too. I have been accepted into schools in Boston, Brooklyn, and Dallas. After completing my LLM, I intend to sit the bar exam in whichever state I qualify; I just have to pick between the three of them first. For each school I have also been fortunate to have been awarded a Merit Scholarship from each school as a way of acknowledging my academic accomplishments and leadership potential; all skills that I have been able to develop throughout my undergraduate journey with the support of Aberdeen College, and RGU respectively.

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