Kellis Reid - MA Communication Design, Illustration and Photography

Kellis Reid - MA Communication Design graduate from Gray's School of Art
Master’s student, Kellis from Buckie on the Moray coast, has produced a community-led project that challenges people to think differently about Union Street and its potential to revitalise the heart of Aberdeen.

Having enjoyed their experience as an undergraduate in Communication Design at Gray’s, Kellis wanted to return to study to use more of the art school’s facilities, such as the dedicated studio spaces and workshops.

“Following my undergraduate degree, I took a gap year from making. After four years of consistent creative practice, you don't realise how burnt out you can get. So, I worked for a year, before deciding I wanted to come back to study a MA Communication Design, well rested and excited at the prospect of furthering my education. I was keen to develop projects I’d created as an undergraduate, and to change up the direction of my practice.

“My master’s project is about the regeneration and revitalisation of Union Street. Working with a community-led focus, and rather than making a definite outcome that speaks on the behalf of people.

“I'm trying to challenge people to think differently about Union Street, and to encourage them to think about the future, as the past is already laid in stone.

“I want people to question their opinions about the current state of Union Street and how they could potentially make a difference by letting their voices be heard. Union Street has so much potential and it’s important to hear from all communities.”


Kellis is really positive about their experience studying a master’s at Gray’s and says the lecturers have been really supportive, wholeheartedly guiding students through their projects and ideas.

“I had opportunities to speak to people and do things I never would have done! I have been fortunate enough to hold a solo exhibition/workshop in the city centre, work with some of the most talented and intelligent people and challenge myself with thinking differently in my practice!

“Aberdeen offers so many opportunities for creative practitioners and I’ve been really encouraged by the support from Gray’s creative unit, Look Again, and Culture Aberdeen.”

Now that Kellis is finishing the MA, they’re keeping their options open about which direction to go in.

“I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do, now that I’m finishing my MA, but that’s not a bad thing. I've always said 'What happens, happens' but after this year and the ways in which I've pushed myself, I know that I make things happen.

“So, although I'm unsure about my future as a creative and what my plans may be, I just know that I want to keep improving and develop meaningful connections with the art world in Aberdeen, the North East and across Scotland.”

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