graduate celebrating


Graduation Photography, Videos & Live Stream

Order a photography package to capture your special day and find out about our Graduation Video.

On this page


Remember your Graduation ceremony by having photographs taken on the day. A high quality photography service for all Graduates attending the Awards Ceremonies is offered by Ede & Ravenscroft photography service.

The photographers will take a professional portrait of you and/or with your family and friends. They also capture you 'on the stage' as you are presented with your award, which can be added to your photography package in advance or can be purchased after the ceremony from Ede & Ravenscroft photography service.

Orders for photography will open when you have received your invite to Graduate and it is recommended that you book in advance of the ceremonies via the Ede & Ravenscroft website.

On the day

Official Graduation Photography can be found in Conference Suite 3 of P&J Live. This is upstairs from the main foyer and down the corridor, opposite gown collection.

There will be members of the Graduation team on hand to direct you in the building.

Don’t be a victim of degree fraud

  • Posting a selfie of your degree certificate provides fake certificate websites access to current certificates to copy.
  • Your certificate should be treated as personal and private documents like passports, birth certificates or bank details.

Graduation Video

To welcome you as our newest Alumni, we are gifting a personalised video clip of your special moment on stage to every student graduating this winter.

Your StageClip captures the moment you cross the stage to receive your award and will feature your name, graduation date and degree subject.

There is no charge for the clip and it is yours to download if you want after the ceremony. No one else can view your clip unless you choose to share it.

Your clip will be available within 5-7 days of your ceremony. The link will be emailed to you to view online or download to keep and share on social networks.

Graduation Ceremony Live Streaming

Each ceremony is live streamed, giving friends and family who are unable to attend the ceremony the opportunity to watch online as it happens.

Winter 2024 Live Streams




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