Our Mental Health Campaign
A few kind words can brighten someone’s day. Whether it’s a simple ‘you look great today’ or ‘you really helped me last week,’ compliments have the ability to lift spirits and boost confidence. We can sometimes find it easier to give compliments to other people rather than giving them to ourselves. Have you ever considered how often you recognise your own positive traits and strengths?
Some of us are our own worst critics. We may see flaws that no one else can, we can let negative thoughts creep in. How often do we give ourselves encouragement, appreciation or the self-assurance we might really need? How often to you take a moment to hear yourself speak and recognise the thoughts and phrases going through your head?
That’s why for mental health awareness week and beyond we’re inviting you to look at yourself differently. Look at yourself through the lens of someone who has appreciated you, or given you a compliment.
When you next catch a glimpse of your reflection, take a moment to reflect on something positive. It can be one compliment a day, it literally takes seconds to do. Maybe it’s first thing in the morning as you’re brushing your teeth, or as your walking past a shop window and see your reflection. Whether you say it out loud, or in your head, or even writing it down and placing it somewhere visible so it can act as a gentle reminder. Words can be a powerful tool so let’s use them in a positive way that can really benefit our mental health.
Positive affirmations
You may have heard of the term ‘positive affirmations,’ a phrase or word you say to help build your confidence and mental strength. According to research practising affirmations can help to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. You may choose to use them to motivate yourself, or to encourage positive change in your life, or to boost your self-esteem. Implementing something so small into your daily routine can have a huge impact on your life.
Research shows that when we choose to practice positive affirmations, we’re better able to view ‘otherwise-threatening information as more self-relevant and valuable’ (Falk et al, 2015).
We hope to soften negative thinking with a positive affirmation.
How to do positive affirmations
There’s no right or wrong way, and for each person it will be different so you need to find what works for you. The affirmation will resonate with you more if it comes from your own exploration of what you want to hear.
A good starting point could be picking out a quality, trait or choice you’ve made recently and begin highlighting the positive aspects of it. What are you grateful for? Have you done something recently that you can enjoy the results of? Have you been kind to someone recently? The more it comes from you and is something personal to you, the more useful it will be.
We just need to be competent and adequate in areas that we personally value in order to be moral, flexible, and good.
Acknowledging reality matters
It’s important to recognise that an essential part of doing positive affirmations is not to ignore our reality. There will be challenges and tough times. Although we want to manifest positivity it’s important to balance this with the acknowledgement of our current reality. We need to process the tough times and start working through these feelings.
Affirmations are meant to acknowledge what you’re going through and how difficult things can be, and then help you get through the other side of this challenge.

Beyond the mirror: changing your self-perception
Practising positive affirmations everyday can gradually build a foundation of self-love and self-acceptance, leading to a more positive and fulfilling outlook on life.
Now it’s over to you
Here are some examples:
I know I can rise above this.
I know I have made the right decision.
I will achieve my goals.
My hair looks great today.
Your perspective is unique. It’s important and it counts.
Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.
Try swapping self-doubt for self-love, and look at yourself differently.
Together is better
If we’ve touched on anything that is important to you, you can find more support and information through our recommended online resources, no one should face challenges alone.