Students walking down the rainbow steps on campus

Supporting Our Alumni

Organise a Reunion

A reunion is a great way of catching up with old friends and sharing memories of your university days, the RGU Alumni team can help!

How the Alumni team can help

We are happy to advise you on planning your reunion, we can offer advice on publicising your event, help you with booking the venue and putting you in touch with former classmates.

If you want to plan and host your reunion independently, we would still love to hear about your plans, see your photos and hear your news.

If you’d like to enquire about a reunion, please contact

Reunion planning

  • What kind of event would you like? This could be an informal meeting in the city, or something on campus, or even a weekend of activities re-visiting student attractions.
  • Set the date – 6 months in advance is a good guide time to allow for booking venues, travel and availability.
  • Where is the best venue? – Where do your former classmates live? Is there somewhere central to the majority of guests?
  • Cost – The more affordable the event, the more likely it is people will attend.

Please note the Alumni Office are unable to fund or subsidise alumni events, but we are happy to offer support and advice.

Invite your guests

The alumni office may be able to contact relevant alumni on your behalf if we have contact details for them. You might also be able to find people through your own personal networks.

Due to GDPR we are unable to share contact details with you, but we are able to email or post invites on your behalf. You should include an RSVP on your invite and replies should be sent back directly to the organiser.

Promoting your event

We will promote your reunion on all alumni publications and our social media channels.

The event

Once the event has been confirmed, the venue secured and the guests RSVP'd all you need to do is enjoy yourself!

After the event

Share your story – we would love to share your story and photos.

Send your photos to

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