Sustainability at RGU
RGU is committed to supporting the Scottish Government’s ambition to achieve net zero emissions by 2045. RGU Net Zero is the university’s framework to deliver its commitment through its operations, academic offer and its thriving innovation environment.

We are in a unique position where we can help shape the wider debate on the planet’s future with our thought leadership on energy transition, engaging with the brightest and best young minds in higher education, allowing them to solve significant environmental issues, and working alongside industry to find the best way to reach our goals towards net zero.Read More

We are committed to playing our role in a more sustainable future by building economic growth, addressing environmental challenges, and promoting an inclusive society that improves quality of life and creates equal opportunities for all. The University’s Strategy drives our activity to create a more sustainable future both for our own community and wider society.

Working in collaboration with students and staff, RGU aims to significantly reduce emissions from energy, transport and consumables, while factoring recycling and building sustainability into all our future decisions.

Across all of our academic schools we have embedded sustainability in our curriculum so all of our students are equipped to play their role in tackling challenges as we create a sustainable future together.

Our unique riverside campus lies on the banks of the River Dee and is home to a vast array of flora and fauna which the University is committed to helping thrive.

Building on our extensive experience in the energy sector, RGU will continue to be a key voice in the transition to green energy and a sustainable future. We will continue to develop our thought leadership to contribute to national and international conversations around sustainability and net zero and drive innovation to bring positive change.

Research plays a key role at RGU and the University recently launched a new research strategy which aims to help it flourish over the coming years.

RGU has recently been recognised for its drive towards a more sustainable future after making its debut in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact rankings.

The staff and student body overseeing the University’s commitment to deliver sustainability.

RGU is actively working towards a sustainable future, read some of the efforts we are making in that goal.