Julie Strachan

People in a meeting
Member of the Board of Governors

Julie is the the Director of Academic Quality and Learning Enhancement. As such she is responsible for supporting the delivery and enhancement of the student learning experience through the Department’s work to:

  • Lead, promote and enhance the University’s approach to academic quality assurance and standards,
  • Provide impactful guidance, support and development for staff,
  • Enable and support innovation in learning, teaching and assessment,
  • Serve as a focal point for coordination and implementation of institutional teaching, learning, and assessment projects in partnership with RGU’s community,
  • Support excellence in digital learning and the development of staff and student digital skills,
  • Support curriculum delivery through the management of timetabling for the best possible student and staff experience,
  • Encourage engagement in pedagogic research.

An experienced academic, Julie took up her first teaching post with Aberdeen Business School as a Lecturer in Human Resource Management in 2000, later becoming Senior Lecturer & Programme Leader of the BA (Hons) Management Programme, a post which she undertook for seven years, with responsibility for the design, delivery and development of six popular degree courses.  Following a period of time working within the private sector, Julie then returned to RGU in 2017 to join DELTA and was closely involved in the development of RGU’s Graduate Apprenticeship suite of courses before becoming Head of DELTA in 2020. Julie’s private sector experience includes a number of years working as an HR Manager within the Oil & Gas Industry where she supported the rapid growth of a technology company via an intensive recruitment programme and expansion of the company’s learning and development provision. 

Julie is currently working to enhance the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and support the development of staff and student digital skills given the increased role of digital learning within the staff and student experience, and support the University’s ongoing commitment to the enhancement of the assessment experience for staff and students.

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