Founded in 2016, the staff network empowers women to meet, share information, provide support and, through establishing a visible presence on campus, ensures that the university remains a vibrant and inclusive environment in which all staff can reach their full potential without the fear of discrimination.
Who is the network for?
The Network is open to all women and those who identify as women who work at RGU.
What do we do?
We organise a monthly event and aim to cover topics suggested by members. The events include discussion groups, information sharing and signposting opportunities for leadership and management development. They cover areas of work life, home life and the crossover between the two.
This and all of our events are publicised through The Bulletin, our Facebook Group and via our mailing list.
The Chair of the Women’s Network has a seat on the university’s Equality and Diversity Advisory Group, which advises the Executive. This ensures that items of interest and concern to our members can be raised at an appropriate level and that the Network is informed of related activity across the university.
Celebrating Women at RGU
Produced by RGU’s Gender Equality Champion and its Women’s Network, 'Celebrating Women at RGU' is a series of brochures to celebrate women working at the university.
The brochures mark the establishment of a Women’s Network at the university which provides a means of supporting, informing and lobbying on behalf of all employees who are women or who identify as women.
Aurora Leadership Development Programme
Applications are now open for the Aurora Women in Leadership Programme. Aurora is for women up to senior lecturer level or professional services equivalent who would like to explore the avenues to leadership and develop their career.
- RGU is an Aurora Institutional Case Study.
- Find out more about the Aurora Programme on RGyoU.
- For more information about Aurora, please contact RGU’s institutional Aurora Champion, Tina McGregor, Senior People and Organisational Development Adviser on
Information for Students
The RGU Gender Equality and Feminism Society is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students.
To join, share ideas, suggest any new events or get further information please contact