Financial Information & Statements


Financial Information & Statements

The Financial Services Department is responsible for ensuring the ongoing financial sustainability of the University. The aim of the Procurement Department is to help University staff select the best suppliers and achieve best overall value for money.

The Financial Services department processes all the University’s financial transactions, provides management and statutory financial reporting to all relevant stakeholders and provides financial advice to colleagues throughout the University and manages financial risk.

Contact Financial Services

Financial Services
Robert Gordon University
Central Services Building
Garthdee Road
AB10 7FY

Jeremy Lindley

Director of Finance

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Shelly McInnes

Acting Director of Finance

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Student enquiries

Current Students

Read through existing questions or log a new question:

Prospective Students & Applicants

Email any questions about student finance:


Robert Gordon University Bank Details

Barclays Bank
163 – 165 Union Street
AB11 6SL
Sort code/Bank code: 20-09-52
Account number: 53816249
Swift No: BARCGB22
IBAN No: GB76 BARC 2009 5253 8162 49

When you are paying directly in to the University's bank account, use your student number as a reference otherwise we will not be able to identify your payment.
Please note you are liable for all charges.

Please contact should you have any queries or questions regarding payments to the Robert Gordon University bank account.

Internal and external audit arrangements

Remuneration of both the external and internal auditors is published in the Financial Statements.

Internal audit services are provided by:

20 Castle Terrace
Saltire Court

External audit services are provided by:

Henderson Loggie
Ground Floor
11-15 Thistle Street


Subsidiary companies (wholly and partly owned) and other significant financial interests

The university owns 100% of the issued share capital of 100,000 £1 ordinary shares of Univation Limited a company registered in Scotland, whose principal activities are the provision of short courses, training and consultancy services in engineering, management, health and design.

Board member remuneration other than expenses

Currently the Chair of the Governing body is the only person who receives a remuneration from the University.

Financial Statements

Please note, some of these documents may not meet accessibility requirements at the time of publishing. We are currently working towards resolving document accessibility issues within the 2023-24 statement.

Documents are provided for the last 5 years or the last 5 versions, if you need to view older copies of these documents, please request them by email.

Univation Financial Statements

Robert Gordon University Financial Regulations

Investments Held by Robert Gordon University


Senior Management Expenses


Selling to the University

Robert Gordon University operates using a devolved structure. As such, Departments have responsibility for their own budgets and a fair degree of autonomy in spending that money. However, they are obliged to spend that money with 'contracted' suppliers wherever possible.

A contracted supplier is defined as 'a supplier which has been successful in a University or consortium tender exercise, or for some other substantial reason they have earned the right to the title of 'contracted', and to whom all ongoing University business for contracted items and services should be directed'.

Your aim, if you want to be a contracted, long-term supplier to the University, is to participate through the relevant Invitation to Tender route. At an institutional level, you can browse our current tender opportunities below. Increasingly however, there is a trend towards national and regional agreements, which the University can subscribe to, and these will be advertised by consortia through appropriate routes. One such is the Public Contracts Scotland portal, and we have provided a link to this below.

The University is always interested in innovations and new suppliers, but we strongly encourage use of current contracted suppliers. Our time to investigate new suppliers and innovations is when contracts come up for renewal - at that stage, we will investigate the market, develop a specification and seek out bids via the routes described above.

Robert Gordon University Contracts Register

Current Tender Opportunities

Information regarding the University, including organisation details, past and current tenders and contract awards.

For Tender opportunities from all Scottish Public Sector bodies, including universities.

Suppliers Charter

A joint statement between Public Sector Procurement bodies and Businesses, and aims to facilitate access to public sector procurement opportunities:

Supplier Journey

The Supplier Journey aims to describe the process of bidding for a public sector contract by

  • Explaining the process in straightforward terms.
  • Setting out what buyers expect at each stage in that process.
  • Giving practical information on how you can find out about opportunities, how to bid, and what to expect.
  • Telling you what support is available.

Procurement Journey

Find out more about the Procurement Journey followed by buyers in the public sector, which aims to facilitate best practice and consistency across the sector.

Public Procurement Reform Programme

Background and information on the Public Procurement Reform Programme (PPRP) which is a driving force for promoting change, increasing collaborative working across a range of procurement activities and practices:

Robert Gordon University Terms and Conditions

Procurement Strategy and Policy

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